Friday, April 24, 2015

My questionnaire

Lately we've been working on a questionnaire created by each of us, and mine is about videogames, make sure to fill it in and send me the results!

My opinion about Human Rights

Hi readers,

As you've already seen I have published a glog made by Julius13 and I related to the Human Rights.

Human rights are the most important rights that humans have, because they make someone's live fair and equal to the others'. But these aren't respected in many places and countries around the world and this is a situation that needs to be fixed. As an example of these not being respected, many inmigrants cannot live in the country they want, and they are deported to their country of origin.

 I'm sure that you've seen lots of cases of violation of human rights and that makes me think, which are the solutions to these problems? I would like you to write down your solutions in the comments.